About Me

Know Your Bunny

I am your friendly neighborhood Bunny. Like any good Canadian,I love hockey. My favorite team is the Calgary Flames, which is unfortunate because as of April 2013 they are the basement dwellers of the Western Conference.

I love horseback riding and I have a horse-son whom I love and cherish. He's a cranky old man but he has a polka-dotted bum so that makes it OK. I love animals in general, to the point where my boyfriend's roommate calls me a Park Ranger. If I had my way I would have ducklings in my bathtub, rabbits in the living room, and the horse in the foyer. I have a betta fish named Swimmy and I love him very much. I bought him a "betta leaf hammock" a few months ago, which is basically a bed for a fish. And he loves it. He just lays around on his bed like a lazy fish. All. Day. Long.

I attend University where I study English and whine about all the papers I have to write. This also makes me a grammar Nazi and I will not hesitate to correct your you're and it's. I also speak French and German and if I've had enough tequila, I also speak Spanish.

I suffer from a disease called Endometriosis, which makes my life a curious experience involving doctors appointments and lots and lots of Tylenol! I am not ashamed to speak about my disease, and I don't think women's reproductive disorders should be taboo. What's so bad about a uterus? I mean, half of us have one and all of us lived in one for about 9 months.

Favorite Things

I have lots of favorite things, especially movies. My favorite movies are Reservoir Dogs, King Kong, Inglourious Basterds, and True Romance. Which obviously means my favorite director is Quentin Tarantino. 
I love cooking shows, like Chopped, but my favorite TV show is probably Alaska  State Troopers (THE DRAMA!). My boyfriend and I are trying to get into Dr. Who, but apparently every time we try to watch it I've had a bottle of wine and it just doesn't happen. 

More than anything I love adventure and travel. My favorite place on earth is Hawaii and I want to go back, very soon. Actually, I want to live in Hawaii. Maui to be exact. I look at Maui real estate more than I probably should. 

I also love to write, thus this blog. I hope you enjoy reading my daily anecdotes on being a University Student in Canada, raising a lazy fish and cranky old man horse, and suffering from endometriosis. 

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